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The Lucky 13th Month

Dear Sweet Pea,

Mummy was born on the 13th of the month and the number 13 has always been your Daddy's lucky number too. Just like that, you celebrated your 1 year old birthday and here we are recording your first steps as a toddler.

Once you started walking around the age of 1 year old, we knew you were never gonna stop. Curiosity and speed are a lethal combination as you dart around the house either in your nappies or with the air conditioner remote control or a makeup product in one hand. You can now easily climb out of the playpen, manoeuvre your way across the mattress and climb down the bed, landing on both feet. With this new sense of victory, you have started grabbing anything within sight before scurrying down the corridor with an impish look on your face. It's hilarious to watch you in action.

This month, we saw the return of Houdini. You are now able to wriggle yourself out of the baby seat in the car. It has become heart-stopping for Daddy when he is driving you alone in the car with you at the back seat. You often get yourself entangled in the seatbelt and let out cries for help before we have to stop the car and loosen the seatbelt twirled around your neck. On the ground, you are often seen darting around and perhaps due to Mummy's clumsy genes, you often end up with bruises on the forehead or the arms.

Daddy tickling you!

You now burst into giggles when we tickle you. Daddy and Mummy will hover our hands above you, pause for anticipation before going in for the tickle. I love to hear you chuckle and laugh, everyday of my life.

You still love bath time as much as before, but now, you prefer to stand up and reach for our shampoos and conditioners. You still love it when we sing you a splish and splash song. You can hardly lie still on the change pad and need to be constantly entertained in order to change your nappy. You now love to twist around and grab anything around you. Since Daddy is working on a big TV show, Mummy is shouldering the responsibility of taking care of you more in the evening. In order to take a bath, I will put you in your chair, play nursery rhymes on my phone and break shower records while hoping you will not cry or twist yourself out of the chair. Showering is a stressful time for Mummy every night!

2 pairs of incisors have now appeared in your tiny little mouth! You must be teething now as you have been putting everything possible into your mouth. A big hooray that you have started eating more and finishing your meals. You love to chew on steamed broccoli! This alone is worthy of record!

You started taking an interest in outdoor playground. You love to play on the swing, slide down the slide and explore the different textures of the playground equipment. You also started the habit of picking up dried flowers and leaves from the ground. This month, we introduced you to Australian baby animals illustrated by Frane Lessac. We cannot wait to explore Australia with you when we can fly again!



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