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28-Month-Old, On a High Note

Dear Sweet Pea,

We started this year on a Bang! We did so many fun activities in this month!

On 9 January, I filmed us building a succulent plants terrarium together! First, you helped me put the pebbles into the glass container before spilling them all over the floor. Next up, I instructed you to put the wet moss into the container little by little and you poured all of them into the dish in one fell swoop. What I imagined to be a fun bonding session turned out to be one where you had a little meltdown and Daddy needed to keep you entertained as I removed the plants from their original pots. Nonetheless, when I looked back at the recording, there were lots of laughter and smiles in between this arduous task! I considered that mission accomplished!

We went for a family outing to the Museum of Ice Cream at Dempsey Orchard. You loved mixing up the scrambled letters on the walls and enjoying the sensory play in the popsicles pit. Your favourite activity was jumping on the fuchsia pink bouncy castle with Mummy while I have to keep pulling my pants up to prevent an indecent exposure! It must have been such a treat for you as you got to sample not 1 but 4 different types of ice cream topped with jimmies sprinkles!

Chilling at Coastes, Sentosa

On 11 Jan, you were finally able to wear your own training pants unassisted and get dressed in trousers and shirt with a little bit of help. And by the end of the 28th month, you had learnt to put together the entire outfit! Some days you would still need a bit of assistance pulling up the pants from your bottom to the waist just like how you would still need guidance on matching up buttons correctly.

We were always excited whenever you showed enthusiasm in your food. Like how you picked up a large piece of bread and started munching away on your own accord at the Overeasy restaurant by the river. You have no problem scooping up babycino with an adult spoon and slurping it up now. By week of 7 Feb, you became self-reliant and were able to start feeding yourself.

You have always been an Energizer Bunny and could never sit still since birth! Therefore we were so amazed that you could sit still on the bed for 5 minutes straight. On 23 Jan, you finally figured out how to crawl out of your stoke sleepi bed after a few attempts. At first, you asked for my help to take you out and then you reminded yourself not to fall. You endeavoured to fling yourself over the top of the cot, then realised it might work better if you balance yourself on your tummy and slowly lower your legs to grip the cot slats with the soles of your feet for more stability. You then mustered enough courage to leap off the side of the cot! Well done!!

Playtime was all about pretend play. You strew your toys all over the room and claimed that you were heading to the supermarket to get strawberries. Then you would randomly select some lego bricks and hand them to me telling me they were strawberries.

On 21 Jan, you were able to follow out instructions to gargle and spit out the water after we brushed your teeth. For some reason, you were scared of the sea water again. We took you to Coastes in Sentosa and it took you a while to be accustomed to sand and water again.

1 February was Chinese New Year and being very spontaneous parents, we decided to book a trip to Darwin together with you! Before you came into our lives, we were always booking last minute trips at the drop of a hat.

Shall we continue such free spirited travel with you when you are older? I sure hope you would be as enthusiastic as we are!

Love you deep deep,

Mummy & Daddy

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