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23-Month-Old, The Fearless Child

Dear Sweet Pea,

Seriously. Is this for real?

You fell very ill at the start of the month again! We had to keep you home for a week and Grandma came over to help us out because we were going nuts. You woke up an average of 4 to 5 times each night and both of your parents have had very little sleep for the entire week. In fact, it took us a full 3 weeks before you adjusted back to your normal sleep schedule at 8pm. There was so much medicine to take this time round and seeing you downing mixture after mixture made my heart ache.

Daddy has always been musically inclined. He could play the piano beautifully, compose songs for Mummy and write musicals! Lately, he has been putting his talents to great use by play hot cross buns and baby shark on the keyboard. Daddy has been exposing you to the piano recently and has taught you to identify "Middle C" on the instrument. One day, Daddy was face-timing Grandpa and asked you to point out the Middle C on the piano. If it was Mummy, I would have succumbed to the pressure and pressed the wrong key. However, much to my amazement, you got it right! Perhaps one day, you would learn the piano and I would love to watch you play!

Feeding Marco, the giraffe!

We brought you to the zoo and this time round, we booked the slots to feed the giraffes and the elephants. Daddy was apprehensive standing face to face with Marco the giraffe thinking to himself what a huge mouth Marco has. You were brave and fearless (more so than Daddy). You took each carrot out of the paper container and without missing a beat, fed it to Marco. You also knew to release your hand from the carrots once Marco took hold of them.

You particularly enjoyed feeding the elephants. Mummy had to assist you and you were exuberant each time the elephant took the cabbage and bananas from your hand with its trunk!

You have developed a hearty appetite this month and would finish almost everything we cooked. You were still using both of your hands to feed yourself hence I could not yet figure our your dominant hand. However, you seemed to prefer using your left hand at the moment. You could now eat 2 of Mummy's homemade dumplings at a sitting. You would hold onto the dumplings with your hands and slowly savour them while saying "Mummy dumplings". You also tried banana, strawberry and maple syrup this month.

You were speaking in alot more full sentences now and the common phrases you used were, "I want to..." and "I do not want...". I wondered if this was the start of the terrible 2 as the usual obliging you were no longer listening to our instructions and often cried and snapped when things did not go your way. You were more sensitive to noise around you and would often be woken up by dogs barking outside. You would sit up in your bed in the middle of the night and say, "dog dog barking".

We brought an erasable drawing pad back from Grandma's house and you loved to draw the outline of our hands on it. We would draw different pictures on it so you could guess what they were. You were able to identify vehicles like an airplane, a bicycle and a car. You were able to put shapes into their respective outlines with confidence! Another package came for you from Toys "R" Us from Nanny! Adding to your collection of bathroom toys, we welcome Little Mermaid, Flounder and Sebastian into the family!

The mandatory song for every car ride was Baby Shark. You were able to recognize even more farm animals in the last few weeks, i.e. horse, sheep, pig, chicken, rabbit and goat. When we pointed to the pictures of ducks, you would break into the song "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"! And for Safari animals, you were able to identify lion, rhinoceros, elephant, giraffe, monkey and bushbaby!!! The most hilarious moment was when you pointed out a gorilla and instantly pound your chest!

It had been such a busy month and we hardly took any photos of you! I prayed for a smoother ride ahead to your next big milestone.



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